October 19, 2012

11 week follow-up

Eleven weeks ago, I had my expanders taken out and my implants put in. I also opted to have my chest port taken out during the surgery. Here's what's going on now:

Yesterday's follow up went really well with my plastic surgeon.

I've healed really well! I am cleared to fly, swim (YAY!), and do pretty much anything without physical restrictions. With the exception of swinging from trees, I can pretty much do anything I'm capable of...while watching for arm/trunk swelling on my radiated (right) side.

I should check my breasts regularly for discoloration, discharge, or any redness/swelling (esp. on radiated side). Being familiar with them - by doing daily massages, stretches, and visual checks - will serve me well because I'll be able to tell if something is awry. After all, it pays to be familiar with your bits and pieces.

PSA: Ladies, have you given yourselves a breast check lately? Please do so! 

The bulk of the appointment (to my surprise) revolved around revision surgery and nipple reconstruction surgery. I'm not wanting to jump into either of those surgeries. First, I want to recover and feel great physically before signing on for more 'fun'.

In other Earth-shattering news, am finding that the more I touch all over my chest and my right underarm/torso/arm sensitive areas, the less they "zing" when touched. Pretty cool. It seemed to help me recover well last time; of course, it also might just be a time thing. But I don't think so! I just might be onto something here.   :)


Vickie Aversman said...

Laura, you look just fantastic. So glad to hear things are going well for you. Have a great Fall and Winter coming up!

Amber said...

Laura, you look great! So glad the follow-up went well. Yay! Thanks for the update. XOXO

Laura said...

Yes, definitely great news to receive at the follow-up. Hope to swim in the next couple of weeks. The first time in nearly 6 months!