February 1, 2013

A Name

Whatever I call mine - at least
they don't look like hers!
What's in a name?

Is that which we call breasts by any other name just as good as the real thing?

My take on this is: not really. But it's the best runners-up option I've got.

What do I call what's on my chest now?

Boobs? Boobies? My chest? Tits? Breasts? Lady lumps? Lady bumps? Foobs (fake boobs)? Jugs? Hooters? Bee stings? -ha! No way! 

Breasticles? Cans? Sweater puppies? Fun bags? The girls? Headlights? The twins? Naughty pillows? Rack? Sweater meat? -nope, probably not that one, either. 

Melons? Bazongas? Rib cushions?

What would you call them if they were yours? Or, if you don't want to think that way, what would you call mine? C'mon! Get creative. I know you're out there . . .


Anonymous said...

Boy thats a hard one!!!
LBE's Laura's beauty enhancers,,,

they are yours you earnd them, so wear them with pride....
Love A

Anonymous said...

Boy thats a hard one!!!
LBE's Laura's beauty enhancers,,,

they are yours you earnd them, so wear them with pride....
Love A

Sarah said...

Good Lord--leave it to you to list ones I've never heard of before!!! Hmmmm...let's see...how about Laura's-paloozas?

Alexis said...

I tend to like alliteration...so I would say call yours "Laura's lovely ladies."

I don't really have a name for mine, but perhaps I need to fine one :)

Laura said...

Creative ideas, ladies! Sarah - did you blush? :) Whatever you call them, they are what they are!