March 28, 2012

Yea for Higher WBC Count!

Third treatment: Done! On Monday we arrived at the University of Colorado hospital early in order to draw the precious blood that would determine whether Laura would be eligible for her third treatment. We knew that she had been feeling really good - but then, that isn't necessarily a crucial indicator for white blood cell (WBC) count. We met with Laura's doctor while awaiting the determinative news, and he was impressed with Laura's strength thus far (so say we all!). Later, at the infusion center, Laura rejoiced at the news that her blood counts were well within range for treatment. In fact, her WBC count had more than doubled since her last treatment; it was nearly up to her beginning counts! All other blood indicators looked good too. PTL!

And so Laura "welcomed" the third round of Cisplatin. She was very tired at the end of the day, but perked up in the evening and enjoyed a special visit from her dad, who came in to be with her a couple of days. Yesterday was a low-key day for Laura but she surprised us all by taking a nice slow walk outdoors with her dad that ended up being two miles. Wow!

Although Laura is experiencing "stomach rumbling" sensations, thankfully the anti-nausea medications are doing their job and her appetite remains in tact -- small meals, small amounts. We're hoping for another walk outside to enjoy the stunningly beautiful Colorado day!


Monica said...

VERY GOOD NEWS!! Nice job Laura, keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Such good news! You are amazing Laura. xx-Kim