April 26, 2012

So, what's next?

That seems to be on everyone's mind, including my own. 

  • Recover from chemo: that's first on my list! Nutrition, exercise, rest, etc. Some cleansing/detoxing to help my system flush things out.
  • Hearing exam: next week I'll have a follow-up hearing exam to compare to my baseline test. Cisplatin can have lasting effects on hearing; hopefully I'll avoid that. My ears are ringing loudly this week and I'm looking forward to that dissipating (for me, it usually starts tapering off the 3rd week after treatment)
  • Meet with Dr. K (oncologist): my first appointment with my oncologist since mid-December. I hope to have an informative meeting with her to discuss how radiation and the clinical trial went for me. She'll likely share "numbers" with me ( bloodwork analysis, survival stats, etc.). I hope to find out when my first post-op scan/test will be and what frequency I'll be checked in the future. After all, it would be nice to see an image of my body that doesn't light up at this point!
  • Meet with clinical trial doc: a follow-up appointment 5 weeks after my last clinical trial infusion. I expect to review the effects I experienced, inquire about when I may know the study results, when/how they'll check in on me in the coming years. 
  • Juicing getaway: nothing quite like delayed gratification! Because of my low counts now and for nutrition's sake, we've delayed a short little celebratory weekend away until late May.  We'll head to the mountains with mom for a 3-day juicing fest to cleanse our bodies and celebrate the clinical trial being over. 
  • Meet with Dr. B (plastic surgeon): now this is an appointment I'm excited about! Dr. B will have a look-see and determine how my skin and body has handled radiation and the additional chemo. We'll discuss next steps. I plan on asking more about types of implants, +/- to each, and when the grand switch-out surgery can take place. I hope to walk away from this appointment knowing an approximate date for when these rock-hard expanders get to leave the building!
  • Airport adventures: I've been grounded for well over a year. Time to turn California dreamin' into reality! A special mother/daughter trip to make memories, see friends, and take my lymphedema sleeve/glove/gauntlet for a spin.

Depending on what I learn from Dr. B in June, I may make more plans further into the summer - or not. As soon as I get a "green light, go!" for switch-out surgery, count me pushing anything out of the way to make room for that surgery. Oh, happy day!


Sarah said...

It's nice to get a "forecast" of what you see coming down the road. I'm so glad you're getting to fill your calendar with some things to look forward to (in addition to the huge milestones you've passed with flying colors)!

Hoping each day further from the clinical trial brings you closer to feeling your super self.

Sarah said...

Also...I didn't see "Attend a roller derby bout"--shame, shame ; )

Laura said...

Sarah: how could I have left a derby bout off? I want to go to one!! :) And dress up real funky, too.