September 12, 2012

Early September Roundup

Joshua: dead or alive? Even I wasn't sure.
Wow. Is it September already? That's what the trusty calendar says, but I'm having a hard time believing it. My 2nd stage reconstruction surgery was 5 weeks ago. I've been given the green light to slowly start increasing my activity. Which doesn't mean, I'm not there yet. But it does mean I can walk more, increase my heart rate some, and begin stretches and movement that I was not supposed to do the previous 4 weeks.

Adam relaxing on the hammock. 
My brother came for a quick visit over Labor Day weekend. I enjoyed seeing him and getting caught up on his life. It's weird sometimes living so far apart. I had planned to visit Adam and Jeney in New York this summer, but those plans didn't work as we had expected. So I hope to go sometime next year after we've/they've thawed out. I'm glad Adam decided to come visit and check in on us.

Oot and aboot in Colorado together.

Adam's dish in progress.
Adam cooked a quick, easy, and YUMMY meal while he was here that I plan to make myself in a couple of days. Ever heard of tomatillos? That's one of the main ingredients. Curious little things! Helping him prep this meal was the first time I'd "met" a tomatillo up close. His and Jeney's blog has his Baked Shrimp with Tomatillos recipe + instructions. If you try it, please leave a comment with your review!

Adam served the dish with whole wheat tortillas. You could also serve over quinoa for a non-wheat alternative. Quinoa cooks in ~10-15 minutes and is a great source of complete protein. Check out this math: every 3.5oz of uncooked = 14 grams of protein! Give it a try - you might like it.

Adam and his nips
encouraged us all to be silly.

Adam's not telling what he just did...

Oh, look! A good picture!


Amber said...

So glad you are having a nice September and have such wonderful healing people around you. Hugs, Amber

Alexis said...

What a good looking & fun-loving family! Even though I didn't have that many surgeries, I still remember my return to activity post chemo - it was slow and sometimes frustrating, but also exhilarating with each new milestone. Keep it up, you'll be back on track in no time!

I'm not a fan of shrimp, but I'll have to check out your bro's blog for some other new & healthy recipe ideas!