September 26, 2012

How Do You Heal?

A quick update today on my physical healing. Last week's follow-up with my plastic surgeon, Dr. B, went well.
  • For a little over a week before the appointment, I had a tiny area on my right (radiated) scar that looked a little bothered. It got red for a couple of days, but never got too inflamed. Turns out it was a spitting stitch. Because of all of the breast tissue being "carved out" and only a thin layer of skin remains over the implants at the scar line, this stitch wasn't wanting to be absorbed into my body. So Dr. B grabbed a couple of tools and pulled it out. Easy-peasy. There's now an indented hole where the stitch was that I'll have to put Neosporin/gauze on daily and keep an eye on. It should fill in over the next month. 
  • Because of the above happening, I'm still a no-go in pools and hot tubs. Pfft!
  • Got a near complete (b/c of stitch mentioned above) go-ahead to gradually begin ramping up my activity.
  • Time to go bra shopping - yay! I may still be a teensy bit poofy on my right side, but that has drastically decreased over the last few weeks, so it's time to get fitted. Looking forward to not wearing the surgical bra and Warner's bras all the time. 
  • Dr. B says I'm free to roam about the country, although he said I'd probably get some fluid build-up in my breast and trunk. I think I'll hold off a while longer so I'm comfortable when I do travel. I could tell when driving in the mountains at 10,000-12,000 feet that my body reacted to the altitude. Good thing I remembered to wear the lymphedema sleeve and gauntlet!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Laura, I'm so glad you are healing so well! Silly little stitch having to be difficult like that. I'm glad it was such an "easy" fix. Enjoy this stage of your journey! XOXO