September 17, 2012

Meeting New Peeps

Kris and Karen - another strong couple who have
worked through cancer together. They're avid travelers,
have huge hearts, and are great snowshoe buddies!
It feels great to forge new friendships that will be cultivated for a reason, season, or lifetime.

Thanks to breast cancer and my being open to getting to know folks, I've met and hope to continue to meet new people near and far. There's something different in the air when you meet other peeps who are also walking along a different life trajectory because of cancer. You can cut through the surface-level talk quickly and dive deep. You can feel a sense of understanding. Of empathy. Of sisterhood.

Don't get me wrong - just because two people have/had cancer doesn't mean you're going to be besties. It's just like everybody else; some gel with you and others don't. However, what a rewarding experience when a budding relationship comes along because of something not-so-great in life. Another silver lining.

Earlier in 2012...
Me, Dakota, Stephanie, and Jo - Officially known as the Can-Can girls!
(for more than one reason)

Jo multitasking at Dakota's workplace.
Me, Dakota, and Stephanie hamming it up at Dial Global.

The Can-Can girls are a breath of fresh air. We talk about anything and long as we can remember what we're talking about!  :)  Anything goes and nothing is taboo. We get silly, talk serious, and have lots of belly laughs together. Interested in learning more about these other fantastic women? Good! Jo and Stephanie both have blogs (click their names and you'll be transported to their sites).

Vicki's wenis.
At a bigger group gathering recently, I met a gaggle of women that were engaging, intelligent, and fun. And nearly all of us are cancer survivors. One of the women taught us all what a wenis is...and there were a TON of belly laughs when we all started comparing wenises/weni. Oh, the jokes just kept on coming!

Didja know?
wenis: the extra skin on your elbow

And, of course, there's a bunch of "dependables" -- peeps near and far who have been courageous enough to share the suffering with me. These are family, friends, neighbors, pen pals, acquaintances, and some individuals that I've never met in person. You know who you are. 

Some of my nearby dependables: Sarah, moi, Denise, Chana
So creative! They brought 2 "jugs" of flowers to celebrate Laura, version 3.0!

Thanks to ALL you peeps for your support and friendship!

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