August 2, 2012

Top 10: Why 2nd Stage Reconstruction Rules

It's been a while since I've posted a Top 10 list. And 2nd stage reconstruction definitely deserves an honorable mention by way of a Top 10 list.

10. You can save some money on bras: you don't always need to wear them. (Although it's recommended to do so the majority of the time...since gravity works on these just like the real things and collagen decreases as you age.)  
Hardest part of this phase (for me):
the silicone vs saline decision.
My final decision: silicone.
9. You'll have better boobs than many of your same-aged counterparts (especially as time goes on). 
8.  It's as close to the physical puzzle pieces being put together as it's going to get. 
7. No more cold, hard nipples showing through shirts and swimsuits. 
6. You'll eventually be able to sleep on your side again. At long last! 
5. You can go to Zumba class (once completely healed) and "shake it" with the rest of 'em! 
4. They slip around in their implant pocket like 'buttah.' 
3. No more bumper cars with humans, doors, and other objects. 
2. My 2nd stage reconstruction had a bonus: my port came out, too! 
1. Bye-bye expanders - FINALLY! These sweater puppies are already more comfortable and real looking than expanders.

This is exactly what my expanders felt like to me.
(Minus the S&P holes, of course.)


Alexis said...

Too funny - this top 10 list is great! In all seriousness, happy to read that the surgery went well! Enjoy your new ta-tas!

Sandy said...

I really did laugh out loud! You are a trooper and I think your top 10 list is "right on!" You are "lookin' gooooood!" Firefly...Sandifer

Amber said...

Thanks for the laugh! You are too funny. XOXO