August 23, 2012

Surgical Bras

Can your bra do this?
BEHOLD: the wonders of surgical bras...hook & eye clasps AND velcro!!

Surgical bras are many things. Several adjectives not used with this type of bra: glamorous, sexy, and dainty. They are also not fashion forward. Got the general idea? I think so.

After double mastectomy surgery
(so not filling out bra at the time).
I've had the opportunity to sport the dainty little thing (said with much sarcasm) twice now - once after my double mastectomy and again after my expander-to-implant surgery. Because of time spent in one, I thought it appropriate to dedicate a blog post on this necessary "intimate apparel" item.

In case you didn't know, one must wear this bra 'round the clock for several weeks post-surgery. All the time (shower not included, but sleeping is). :( Kinda uncomfy and weird after not wearing one so long, but do you what you gotta do to get [hopefully] well-shaped boobs.

"I'm going to learn how to unhook this bra
with just one hand!"

-Joshua, on unlatching my surgical bra
(that has 11 hook & eye clasps-->)

Even though the incision lines were taped up post-surgery, they still leaked a bit of stuff (looked to me like iodine or something similar - don't think it was blood, FYI). It wasn't bad the first day or two, but then started bothering me aesthetic-wise. After all, when you look good, you feel good - right? So I decided to put forth a good effort in cleaning the darned thing up.

Post-surgical grime under tape. 

"Grime - it comes with implants" 

-Joshua, 8/2012

Surgical bra before the big cleanup.

Letting the bleach pen do its thing.

Guess what? - It's nearly as good as new. Nearly all of the coloring left after a quick treatment with a bleach pen. Back into rotation the surgical bra goes.

All clean.


Anonymous said...

Martha Stewart and her handy domestic ways have nothin' on you! Good job, girl!

Amber said...

I was curious what kind of get-up you might have. This actually reminds me of my nursing bras (complicated in different ways)! ;) Isn't it amazing what technology there is now to support our bodies when they change? XOXO

Laura said...

Anon: It tickles me to think of Martha "having" to clean up a surgical bra...there's a craft you won't see her do!

Amber: Yes - funny you should mention; I was wondering about the functionality of nursing bras as I wrote this! So glad there are these alternatives while going through life experiences. :)

Alexis said... husband & I have been thinking that we just need one great idea to make it big. Thanks to your blog post - I think there's a market for sexy surgical bras! Are there at least some options for different colors?

Love your humor!