October 28, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Just had to let you all know that we are rejoicing because Laura got to come home yesterday. She began eating again and was able to drop the morphine and move on to oral painkillers. We packed her up and scooted her (gently) into the car on a day that was cold to say the least. Because of the winter storm, they had no power, so we all "nested" at my house, and Laura amazed us with her energy level throughout the rest of the day. Fortunately, power was returned and Joshua and Laura were able to return to their own home today -- ready to continue the healing and recovery process. Please continue your thoughts and prayers as Laura heals and becomes stronger in Phase 2 of her journey.


Monica said...

Yay Laura! I'm so glad you are resting at home now!

Gerda said...

Laura! Glad you are home and recovering. You are SUCH a trooper. All my love, dear friend and hugs for Joshua!


Amber said...

I'm so glad you are home! I'm sure that will help you recover in leaps and bounds! Get some rest. Still thinking of you. Amber