August 1, 2011

Embracing the Waves of Change

Its been said that change is a constant you can count on. Time slips away so easily when we are focused on change. An important part of this journey through cancer is finding time for Laura and I to connect in the present moment, as a couple, and not lose sight of who we are to each other throughout all of this change.

Getting lost in the wave of emotions, visitors, appointments, and incoming information happens often lately. We are working to better understand the boundaries we each need, so there is room to renew and grow our relationship.

Letting go of things has been a helpful coping mechanism when times get tough. Letting go of the weeds in the yard. Letting go of facebook. Letting go of being in control. Letting go of guilt. Letting go of the kitchen floor. Letting go of anger.

In the midst of all the letting go, there is also a strong pull to regain control. This must be the yin to the yang, nature's way of balancing out things in life. 

Right now it feels so good to put together a grocery list. To walk through our house when we are the only ones here. To embrace each other and take time to cry in the middle of the afternoon. To escape and watch a TV show. To get through a serious discussion and finish without lingering heartache. To look into each others eyes and feel what the other is going through.

Cancer has given us new perspectives on life and we are doing what we can to embrace and grow through this experience, although occasionaly we do get lost in this sea of change.


Sarah said...

Beautifully expressed, Joshua.

Unknown said...

Thanks Sarah. I didn't really know where I was going with this post and got a little lost writing it. I'm glad it turned out alright after all!

Laura Bee said...

Lovely post Joshua. Nice reminder to all of us that we should stop and find each other amid the chaos that life can throw our way.