July 29, 2011


My recent visit to an acupuncturist/nutritionist was insightful. Without going into all of the details of what I learned, here's a synopsis:
  • Acupuncture needles don't hurt.
  • There are five elements that should flow to each other, in circle form, in this order: fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. The elements determine our whole physical, psychological, and emotional balance. 
  • My body is out of balance. (Exhibit A: breast cancer. Exhibit B: my history of fighting tonsillitis/strep on and off for years - most recently for several years in a row until my tonsillectomy in early 2011. Exhibit C: my saliva is acidic. And there are others.)
  • My acupuncturist/nutritionist will work with me to:
    1) increase my WBC count so I can keep on the chemo treatment plan I'm on - without missing/delaying any, if possible
    2) help me recover from chemo after my last treatment, to prepare me for my surgery
    3) work with me throughout chemo, surgery, and post-surgery to change my body pH so it is no longer a "kind" host for cancer cells to thrive
No, I'm not going off the deep end, people! This feels healthy to look into alternative treatments in addition to (not in replace of!) conventional therapies. After all, it's not exactly a secret that cancer is in essence a breakdown in the balance between typically dormant cancer cells in the body and the natural defenses that keep those cancer cells from activating and misbehaving. I want to pay close attention to my mind-body connection and improve (by nourishing and strengthening) my "terrain."

I am keeping an open mind and am willing to follow some tougher dietary guidelines (as soon as I get the OK by my oncologist - that, or will wait until chemo is over to fully implement). At the most, I can learn how to keep cancer at bay in my body. At the least, I have a strong sense of power and hope through this journey and beyond. 

*Wetness: According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, wetness is a pathological factor that can flow to every corner and organ of the body and making mis-function of the organs, which causes different diseases.


Amber said...

I think this is great Laura! I've actually been trying this recently for a whole slew of reasons myself. I think it's been very helpful and a nice complement to other treatments for things in our lives. I'm so glad you've found it to be helpful and informative. :) Hugs, Amber

Anonymous said...

Happy you are back on your Blog.
Its good to get your daily updates.
Its so important you keep your
positive attitude and your Aunt
Billie is very proud of you.
Prayers are with you always.

Anneliese said...

Yes,I believe that its a great way to experience and test your self and your body and improve your health, only I was always to chicken to do it my self.

love Anneliese

~ AKJ ~ said...

Missed you! My mom tried acupuncture for over a year to treat arthritis in her hips to great success. Ultimately she did have to have them replaced, but the acupuncture did wonders for her and got her to a much healthier place for her surgery. She felt in the beginning like she was 'going out on a limb', but swears by it now and preaches it to those in pain. So glad you're finding it healing! xoxoxo ~Ashley