July 8, 2011

No More Bad Hair Days

Dagnabbit - I'm losin' my hair.
Well, ok. Maybe the title of this post isn't 100% accurate. I still do have hair, and I'm sure a few bad hair days will find their way to me before it's all gone.

The big(ish) news of the day is that my hair loss has begun. In the late morning of July 5, before my second treatment, I noticed that I was losing a lot of hair. Not on my head, though. Talk about weird! That totally caught me off guard. And so, not being one to cower at the thought of losing hair, I shaved most of what I had left and thought "There. I beat it." Sort-of. No pictures of that buzz cut. (You can hold the applause.)

Then a couple of days later, while in the shower, I noticed that there was quite a lot of head hair on my hands after shampooing and conditioning. It's begun! So far, the hair loss has been "nice" to me - it's not coming out in clumps, leaving splotchy bald spots or anything. Seems to be more of an all-over hair thinning type of operation going on.

The bad: How will I look completely bald? Probably a tad funny. No insulation up top. Back to a 12-year old body in some places - that's trippy.

The good: No more "grandma" hairs growing on my face - yahoo! Also, the thought of not having to shave my armpits is really awesome. And legs, too, for that matter.

Funny, I've already grown used to my buzz cut and quite like it. I'll miss my hair, that's for sure. But I'll try to temper the feeling(s) I have of loss with an exuberant welcome of head accessories! I am so thankful that my mom and I recently went to Hana Designs Wig Studio. (Great assistance in their store and wonderful atmosphere to feel "safe" in while looking at head toppers of all sorts.) I had a feeling hair loss was right around the corner and opted to go look at alternatives before I actually needed them. It just made more sense to me to be prepared, rather than wishing I would have gone looking before the bald version of myself became a reality. We found several great alternatives: one cozy and lightweight beanie-like hat, one scarf, and one head wrap thing. I'll be sure to post pictures of me using them as I begin to wear them. The beanie-like hat has already come in useful at the movie theater, a restaurant, and at the doctor's office. I also found a wig that I liked and looked pretty good in, but have not purchased it yet. I'm holding out on that one. :) But at least I'm prepared!


Unknown said...

That's a cute, persnickity pic of you schatzi! xoxoxo

Sarah said...

It seems like things are happening fast now--it must mean that the healing has begun!!!

I like your approach of getting things done ahead of needing them--it sounds more manageable and smart. Can't wait to see the beanie cap and other accessories--they sound really cute and you are certainly siezing the opportunity to express your style in new ways : )

Amber said...

What a cute pic! Can't wait to see the head accessories. I bet you are going to have beautiful hair when it grows back. Still thinking of you. Hugs. Am

G'ma said...

I DO like your new hairstyle, Laura!! The smirk is priceless, too...reminds me of someone else who does this, right? Love you dearly! g'ma

Nina Johnson said...

Your hair may be vanishing, but you are looking great. Two thumbs up for you!