July 5, 2011

The Second Attack

Laura's completion of the first two weeks of chemotherapy was marked by good physical energy, a hearty appetite, and a positive attitude that amazes us all. By 2:00 pm today, she was geared up for the second attack on her cancer. The four hour infusion session seemed shorter thanks to educational and compassionate conversations with the oncologist's medical staff (they are all super and seem to really enjoy their work in helping heal BC patients). They enjoy Laura's sense of humor (who wouldn't?) and are going to try to schedule some treatment sessions at the same time as other young BC survivors - which just might result in another support network. The oncologist observed that Laura's right breast BC area was visibly reduced -- music to our ears! This means the treatment is effective; the chemo treatment plan will remain the same, with surgery following.

Hopefully, this second treatment will proceed similar to the first, and after a few days of fatigue with no other significant side effects, Laura will return to her strong normal state. Please continue your thoughts, prayers, and comments on the blog. Laura loves and appreciates hearing from her "peeps" ! Stay tuned...

A view of Laura's port in action (from her POV)


Amber said...

So glad the second treatment went so well! Yay! Sounds like the fluid is cooperating, doing what it's supposed to, and being a good little healer! Thanks for keeping us posted! Thinking of you and hope your energy pops back quickly. :) Amber

Laura said...

Thanks, Amber. It took about a day longer than last time, but I was feeling back to near normal by Monday. Yay!