July 14, 2011

Wave Number Two

Laura is now on the second cycle of the Chemo-Coaster, and each cycle has it’s ups and downs. The “downs” start soon after a chemo injection and consists of dealing with the effects of and the reactions to the injected cancer fighting mixture. Usually, about four days after a chemo treatment, a cycle bottom is passed. That is when Laura’s trajectory changes its direction to up and she begins to gain strength, rests better, can accommodate long walks and exercise, enjoys food… the best of times during this 16-week chemo regimen.

As has been the practice near the end of each day, Laura assigns the day a numerical rating somewhere between “0” and “10.” At the bottom of the last cycle, Laura decided to assign a rating of 7 to the day. Since that date, the numerical rating given to each day has been increasing, and yesterday was awarded “8, borderline 9.”

This mornng is a beautiful start to the day, the temperature is cool, the skies are blue and clear, and last night’s rain is lending its characteristic fresh smell. There will be additional showers later today, but best of all, today might possibly be a 9… and the direction is up.

Coinciding with Laura's improved position on the Chemo-Coaster, Linda will be relocating to Centennial this weekend, with the able assistance of her son, Adam, and her nephew, Brandon. On Saturday, these two fellows will put on their long distance driver hats and navigate a 26-foot, fully loaded moving truck from Norman to Centennial. By the way, that trip will be 13+ hours and 700+ miles in the searing 105°+ temperatures, with the home stretch of 450 miles aimed directly toward the summer sun. Ahhh… the sights and sounds of western Kansas on a Saturday in July... watch your speed (and the Smokeys) on the Yellow Brick Road westbound!  He-haw!!! 

Having family near will give extra uplift and special buoyancy to this cycle.

1 comment:

Mandi said...

I cannot believe your energy! You rock! You are so amazing and inspirational!! Truly!
(I finally figured out how to post comments to this page :) so I can join in the fun!....so not techy)

have a safe trip across country linda et al.

Mandi from Seattle (one of the 'Winers') :)