July 16, 2011


I hope this blog's audience finds it interesting and informative to see what it looks like to lose hair due to chemotherapy. I've gone through two full treatments so far, and it's begun to happen - rapidly! I'm sure that not everyone loses hair in the same place-order that I have, but it's still something to share. These shots were taken over the span of about a week.

This was taken the first day that actual bald spots began to appear.

The lower back of my head looks like it had been shaved - not so!
My smiling "F*ck cancer!" pose.
Next up: MAJOR hair loss while showering. Surprise, surprise!
This was the result. I wasn't so sure I was liking this...
A few days later...four, yes-FOUR, full hair traps like this.
This was shocking. What on earth would I look like once THIS happened?

This is what I'd look like.
Side view: the very top and upper back are holding on...
...or should I say "hanging in?"
Decided to have a little fun and use a 3M sticky roller to get some of the loose hairs out.
See all the hair?
And we thought the sticky rollers were only good for cat hair!
Enough of this mostly gone, weird patchy buzz cut stuff. Time to take matters into my own hands...again. *Sigh!* Joshua's poor beard trimmer really got a workout:
Oops...look what I did! :)
I'm way more satisfied with everything being the same all the way around my sphere.
Surely Chemo Trio (thanks, Grey!) next Tuesday will take care of my remaining head hair. I am wondering how long my eyebrows and eyelashes will stay; I hope they make it as long as possible, of course! I'll hate to see those go. They help me look a bit less like a conehead. Regardless, my hair follicles will respond however and whenever they want to the chemo. Cheers!


Chana said...

I'm seeing a really big "red lips" tattoo on your head... or maybe a pair of boxing gloves.

Kimberley said...

I second the boxing gloves idea!:)

Monica said...

Oooh, love the boxing glove tattoo idea! Laura you look as beautiful as ever!

Anonymous said...

Your "aunt" Billie told me you are
beautiful with or without hair.
Ever heard the old saying
"nothing is for ever" ???
I promise you will have hair
again. Hugs.

mandi said...

you'll have gorgeous, curly locks in no time! how about the tattoo "I kicked cancer in the XXX!" :) xo Mandi

Amber said...

You look beautiful Laura! You'll also have a full head of hair back before you know it. Although, you may like this low maintenance look a lot and not want it back. Hugs. Am

Linda said...

Snickles, now you can wear your pretty scarves, bandanas, caps -- any headgear you want -- or none at all. Your beauty continues to shine through !