June 22, 2011

Day 2 of Chemo / Second Biopsy

Today marks the second day for Laura's chemotherapy. The morning was filled with doctor's appointments, and hopefully the appointments will be subsiding as we get into the routine of the chemo treatments.

She received a shot of a drug called Neulasta this morning, which is used to reduce the risk of infection (initially marked by fever) from the chemotherapy drugs, which decrease the number of infection-fighting white blood cells. Side effects will include bone pain among other things, for which she can take Claritin (the allergy medication) to alleviate the symptoms.

The oncology appointment was followed by a lengthy ultrasound to further investigate the hot spot found on her lymph node from the PET scan results. After technician and doctor made a thorough investigation of the node, they determined it would need to be biopsied.

So on Laura went to her biopsy appointment, without missing a beat. The biopsy was much like the initial breast biopsy in which the doctors took multiple core samples of the lymph node for further lab analysis. We will post information regarding the results as soon as we know and what that will mean.

We are still waiting to hear back about the BRCA genetic testing, which we are told should be in soon. Hopefully good (negative) results from that test, as well as today's biopsy. Thank you for all your prayers and positive thoughts that are with us every day.

Laura is doing well right now, albeit tired from her 3 morning appointments and the chemo drugs that are beginning to fight the cells in her body. As far as symptoms from treatment go Laura has a pretty good 'chemo mask' right now, which looks like a red sunburn in her face and chest and she has been eating smaller portions, but has definitely not lost her appetite.

She is in great spirits and an amazing fighter. She's an inspiration to us all.


Sandy said...

I love both of the pictures on the post! Laura Jean, the way you are dealing with this gives energy and strenght to all of us! I love you gal! Aunt Sandy

Monica said...

You go girl! LOVE the pictures! Ditto to what Aunt Sandy says: I have a renewed sense of energy and strength from you Laura! :)

BTW, You and your mom look FABULOUS! Keep us posted! And as always, sending you good vibes and positive thoughts!

G'ma said...

You look like a model posing on the sofa! Way to go, Laura! Keep that beautiful smile! I love you! G'ma

Gerda said...

You look more like you are at a fancy hotel on vacation! You may want to keep that haircut - very sassy. Anyway, I appreciate the updates and yes, your attitude is an inspiration! (I see a book or speaking engagements in the future).

Love to you both!

Laura said...

Must've been the afterglow of the first chemo treatment - gives me a nice "sunkissed" look! Very good for aesthetics.