June 14, 2011

Thoughts and Affirmations

Just HAD to share some thoughts and affirmations with you all. I received an amazing email from a Seattle friend who is a 7-year cancer survivor. She is an inspiration to me and I wholeheartedly believe in her writings below. 

1. All cancer no matter what type or stage is beatable.

2. One must have first faith in your Higher Power, God, Goddess, Divine Universe - whatever fits your heart. 

3. Have faith in yourself, know that you are very powerful.  Your "thoughts are things."  Do not let looking at statistics or friends being negative (I hung up on a friend who said chemo was a toxin my body) enter in your consciousness. I visualized chemo as a "healing warm golden fluid that flowed through my body eradicating all cancer."  

4. Have faith in your doctors; you are fortunate to live in an area where you have top notch doctors to choose from.

5. All treatments and modalities are doable - not fun - but doable

6. This is the hard one to realize but there is a blessing in everything that comes into our lives.  Yes even this - it may take a week, 6 months, or a year but I guarantee you will see it.  

Remember you are a Spiritual Being having a physical experience.  Yes it is a crappy experience.

~Marilyn Jenkins


Vickie Aversman said...

I could not agree more. You keep faith my dear. All things do have a reason. We sometimes don't see it until later. Not that this doesn't just "suck" as you say. Positive is the word. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Miyako said...

Laura, these are great insight.
I know it will be difficult to stay positive all the time when you don't feel "good" when treatment starts. Positivity thinking is probably the most important part of your therapy.
Let's all look up together and believe your recovery! XXOO Miyako

Chana said...

So glad to see you being so positive from the get go, that'll make it easier to be part of your support group. Thinking of you always.