June 24, 2011

A Personal-ish Friday Note to All

Hi peoples.

My dad is working diligently on a blog update right now, I just know it. Therefore, this update will be short so I don't steal any (or much) of his thunder.

I needed to take a break from the blog for a couple of days because I was both tired from the long day of appointments and biopsy taken on Wednesday, and also because I got news yesterday that my "questionable" or "suspicious" lymph node tested positive for breast cancer. Bummer indeed.

Anyway, I got a neat digital voice recorder from my dad. I've played around with it a bit and think it's cool. Not sure how much personal voice recordings I'll do, because they take extra work to get them posted. However, it's nice to be able to document thoughts and catch them when I have them rather than wonder what it was I had thought about "earlier." Here's something I wanted to share with you:

As a postscript to the audio file, today was INDEED a good day. 
It was a great day! 
And I went on two short walks - not bad.


Laura Bee said...

That picture is so pretty. Is it your yard? It's so different to hear your voice speaking your thoughts, rather than reading them. (Bravo Dad for the new gadget!)

Amber said...

What a great gadget! I'm so glad that you got out for some walks and fresh air today. I've been thinking of you all week. Sorry to hear about the lymph nodes-I'm sure that was frustrating to say the least. I'm so happy you had a good day. Thanks again for all the updates-it's very appreciated. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

thinking about you with lots of love! Harp

Miyako said...

Appreciate your note. I've been worried you ever since the sickening result came out. You are doing so well. I admire your courage so much. My hats off to you! Let's fight, fight and fight. Sending love and positive spirit
to your way.

Sandy said...

I LOVED hearing your voice - of course, hearing you makes me want to be with you even more...soon! Hearing you voice your words relays emotions and tugs at me. "I SEE YOU."
I want to say something really helpful to you and I know God will give me the words later, but Laura, right now I am "in the flesh" and wish I could make it better! I am thankful it is the weekend and you and Josh can have more time together! That should REALLY help! You are SO special and I love you (and see you)! Aunt Sandy

Aaron & Heather said...

Laura, Aaron and I are praying everyday that our Lord, the great healer, will provide a complete restoration of health to your body and that He will cover you and Josh in peace. We are beside you all the way. "FIGHT LIKE A GIRL" Lots of love, Aaron & Heather

Monica said...

Darn it Laura! That's a bummer about the positive test, I'm sure that's not what you wanted to hear at all! BUT that doesn't mean YOU CAN'T BEAT IT because YOU WILL!!!!! It's being pesky, but not in control. You are the one in control and you can and will overcome this adventure in your life. I hope you are resting and recovering from your first treatment. Remember to take time for yourself and know that it's all about YOU right now. I'm always thinking about you and sending you good vibes. BTW, I've been meaning to tell you that your yard looks wonderful! :) Also remember that I'm here to fill any void if you need it! Love from Seattle.

Anneliese said...

How weird, on my way to Shelton via Wauna 303 and than 3 I saw fields and fields of Larkspur. the one on your picture. One of the Ladies told us these are very poisiness and it just made me think how the chemo is like Larkspur to cancer it will get rid of it for sure.
This morning at church I had a long talk to a friend of mine her name is Mary and I believe she is the mother of Jesus, she promised me her hands will protect you.
love you

~ AKJ ~ said...

LOVED hearing your voice. Thank you!

Laura said...

Laura Bee: Yes, it's part of our yard, my view from the hammock. It's great!

Aaron/Heather: Have no doubt I'll fight like a girl? ALL THE WAY!

Monica: You are an inspiration for me. I can feel your positivity oozing through every comment and email you send. You are AMAZING! Thanks for the support - and yard compliments. Yours looks fab, too, you know!

~AKM~: Took me a few minutes to figure out who you are - but then I got smart. :) Thanks! So good to have you following along.