June 9, 2011

Nailing Jell-o to the Wall

Big day today. Lots of things nailed down - comparatively. 
  • Today I had a bilateral (both sides) ultrasound on my breasts. As we mentioned in an earlier post, there were "other 'suspicious' spots detected in the right breast (and one in the left)." Today's ultrasound confirmed that I do have four additional masses in my right breast. Most in the same plane as the cancerous tumor, one pretty deep in my breast tissue, all highly suspicious. The only way to know if these are cancerous or not is to perform biopsies on each one; however, I'm of the mind that this is not necessary. The multiple tests infer that they are related. The spot in my left breast is small, deep, and in a line formation (which indicates a possible duct cancerous tumor forming). Again, the only way to know this is cancer is to have a biopsy; this is going to wait right now - until we know if I have the BRCA genes or not. Knowing the results from the genetic test will help us determine how to move forward with surgery and treatment. 
  • My PET (positron emission tomography) scan is scheduled for Monday morning; results will be known late Tuesday. This will scan my body from head to mid-calf and will check my other vital organs for signs of potential cancer invasion. Please think positively about this one - I'm a bit nervous.
  • We'll be meeting with a fertility expert next Tuesday afternoon. He'll discuss possibilities with us regarding having children in the future after this "speed bump" in life. We are not making any decisions about this yet, but do want to have all or most of the information needed in-hand so we can make the decision when that time comes.
  • We have meetings set up with two different oncologists. I'd like to make sure I mesh well with the oncologist, as they'll be a major part of my life (and around the longest during this journey). Both are well-respected and primarily deal with breast cancer patients. I'm trusting that my "inner voice" helps me decide who to pick.
I am learning to be okay with each day as it comes. And then be okay with the next day. And the next one. It's one step at a time, and each day brings its hours of phone calls, appointments, coordination, and real life to-dos (of which I am happy to participate). 

My heart is full with emotion at the overwhelming tide of responses this blog, my emails, and my Facebook account have received. I thank you all so deeply for your words of encouragement and support. Right now, we're operating pretty well with today's norm, but I am sure we will need to call upon you in the future for help. Joshua is in the process of setting up a web page for us at LotsaHelpingHands.com, which will help us coordinate needed help. So many of you have offered to help that we're hoping this will be a great resource for you and for us. I'm sure he'll have a posting on this blog about that site - right, Joshua?    :)   We will be adding a direct link to this web site on this blog in the near future.

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