September 12, 2011

Our Weekend Getaway

We were refreshed from this trip!
In late August, on the best weekend between chemotherapy appointments, we had a weekend getaway together in Dillon, Colorado. The drive was long enough to make it seem like a road trip, but short enough to not be too cumbersome.

We enjoyed our time away from the everyday stuff at our own home. It was nice to get away and have time to talk, read, watch movies, hike, cook, and enjoy each other's company. It was food for my soul.

We managed to climb quite a bit in elevation
at the beginning of the Ptarmigan Trail.
Lake Dillon in distance - see the sailboats?
Each day, we went outside at least once for a walk/hike. There were trails right outside of the condo we stayed at, which was so nice and simple! Joshua took me on a "beginner's" hiking trail one day - Ptarmigan Trail - and it conquered me! We should have had a clue with these words describing the beginning of the trail: "ascends briskly." Yeah, it was definitely brisk! My legs and lungs couldn't normalize easily and we eventually decided to turn around and head back down while I still had the muscle power to do so. Still, it was fun to challenge myself physically and to see views of Lake Dillon and other mountain peaks nearby. The area we were in, Summit County, is gorgeous and makes me appreciate nature's beauty and the peace it offers.

A magnificent double rainbow - it was the brightest we'd ever seen.
We saw this on our first hike while it sprinkled on us.

Pathways, wildflowers, aspens, and mountains.
What more could a hiker want?

A path leading into an aspen grove.

On our last hike before returning home.

Does this really need a caption?


Vickie Aversman said...

It looked beautiful, Laura. I know what you mean about "ascends briskly"! Wow we could have used that information about one of the hikes we took. Glad you had a great time. Anniversaries are wonderful. We just celebrated our 44th. It doesn't seem possible. Keep on keepin' on. We love you.

Chana said...

Great, relative pics.

Amber said...

Beautiful pictures! I'm so glad you had a wonderful trip! You really deserved it!!! Amber

Laura said...

Vickie: glad you've also experienced some of what I did! Congrats to you and Jim on your 44th - wow!