September 6, 2011

Q #2: Do people in the every day world (grocery store, etc.) ask you about your hair loss?

continued: What do you tell them?

Out of all the people that notice (surely), only two people have said anything. Incredible! I truly expected to field more inquiries. Then again, people probably don't want to ask some stranger about an obvious medical issue. Here are those two experiences:

Hair Loss Sighting/Questioning #1: Joshua and I went swimming in mid-July at a local rec center. Not wanting to draw attention to myself, and also out of habit, I put my swimcap on before entering the pool. We swam, which felt fantastic, and then came the whole predicament about the locker room. Should I change out in the open like I usually do? No, I didn't want to do that because of my port (still was sensitive about it at the time). So I showered and change in an individual stall. Next up: putting on face/head moisturizer. By this time I was fully dressed and out of the shower stall. I had a bandana on my head already, but was getting itchy...I needed to moisturize! Only one other gal was in there with me, and she was changing in another part of the locker room. So I decided to go for it. I took off the bandana and began rubbing my noggin with moisturizer. She came out just as I was finishing and said "Wow - neat haircut. May I ask: why did you decide to cut it so short?" To which I answered, "Well, I really liked the buzz cut I had before this, but chemo decided to make it shorter."

From there, we had a nice conversation about what my diagnosis was, how treatment was going, and how I'm feeling about things. She had worked with sick children, which I believe gave her insight as to how to have a comfortable conversation with someone like me. She probed, but not too far. And we shared several laughs at the "being a cancer patient" experience. And then, as our conversation was winding up, she said she'd like to give me a hug if I was up for it. And I was. I mean, what can it hurt that someone you don't know wants to give you something to convey their hope for you? It was the longest "stranger hug" I've ever had. It lingered longer than family hugs usually last. And it felt 100% genuine and good. I loved it and was happy she saw it fit to stop and talk with me that day.

Hair Loss Sighting/Questioning #2: I was at a local bagel shop with Joshua, Adam, Jeney, and mom. I felt eyes on me the second we walked in and thought maybe I forgot to wear a head topper. But I checked, and my baseball cap was indeed in place. So I let the paranoia go. While we were waiting for our drinks, I felt (and saw?) someone in my peripheral vision ever so slowly getting closer...closer...closer. I couldn't stand it. I turned around and said "Can I help you?" And the woman standing there just said "Are you a survivor?" AWKWARD! She proceeded to ask me my diagnosis, tell me what hers was, and then started talking about spiritual stuff that was just too much to take in while waiting to get a drink at a bagel shop - with onlookers. I felt cornered. Oh yeah, and did I mention she was sitting at a table with 8-10 of her friends and they were watching? I wanted to melt into the floor.

I am sure this woman did not mean to make me feel weird or on the spot. I like to think that she thought she recognized an individual going through a bad experience like she had and she wanted to offer what she could in the way of positivity. Even so, it did not come across to me in that scenario like she probably wished it would have. I was glad it was over quickly.

Rockin' skull and crossbones head gear. Thanks, Chana!

Speaking of head toppers...I don't think I've posted many pictures of those yet. (Side note: it's been nice to rock my bald look this summer - it's more comfortable than covering up and I don't feel ashamed. After all, I can't help it!) So here is one to nibble on...and I'll try to remember to post some more in the future.


Linda said...

Laura, you rock with this spike look !! Show us another one of your new looks - - please....

Laura said...

Whaddya know? Another incident just happened this week! Hair Loss Sighting/Questioning #3: In Rite Aid, while getting my Emend (anti-nausea) prescription filled. A 60-yr old lady (dressed in fringe leather gear, heavy eyeliner, bright blue eyeshadow, ratted hair - you get the picture) was talking about how "fat" she'd gotten. And she looked at me and said something about me looking healthy and slender. I said something back like "There's a reason and you don't want it." To which she said: "Is it cancer? What kind?" What the heck?!! The rest of the interaction was pretty funny; wish I could have recorded it.

Laura Bee said...

Thanks for sharing! So interesting how the interactions felt (and were) so different to you. One would almost thing the gym one would be more awkward, but it sounds like it was better.