September 9, 2011

A Picture (or 6) is Worth a Thousand Words

Sharing images of my breasts is not a decision I take lightly. I'm not sure what images, if any, I'll share in the future. However, given the good MRI results, and people wondering what metabolic activity looks like, I thought sharing these near* apples-to-apples images below might be of use and interest.

* I use the term near here, because I am by no means an MRI-reading expert, and I doubt these are exactly the same images with the same parameters, etc. I'm simply matching image numbers from both MRI dates from 1,400+ images taken during each MRI.

The metabolic activity is shown with brighter areas. They inject a contrast into me during the last long image collection time and it highlights the active cancer cells.

June 6, image 20 
Aug 29, image 20
Clearly, a difference in metabolic activity from the two MRI dates. We already know this from the pros telling us, but it's nice to see myself and share with others. I have also (for quite some time now) noticed not only a visual difference in my breast, but also it feels different. 

June 6, image 23
Aug 29, image 23
Visually, my breast had become a little lopsided on the right side due to the cancer's growth over time; I noticed it changing back to looking like a "normal" breast after my second chemotherapy treatment. Tactilely, the bump has become less prominent and seems not to be as close to the surface of my breast. I still feel a good sized lump when I press down and feel for it. The rest of my right breast also seems less dense than when I began chemotherapy.

June 6, image 28
Aug 29, image 28


Anonymous said...

These images are fascinating. Thanks for sharing them.

Amber said...

How interesting. I'm such a visual person, that it really makes a difference to me to see the change over time. I'm so happy for you that these changes are happening and you can see them! Thanks for sharing! Amber

Sarah said...

I think you did an amazing job of matching them up. So good to be able to see the progress. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear you are brave and getting out to places like Dillon.
Its beautiful there, my son, Carl Stephen and family have a condo there and they love it. They love the view and skiing.

Chana said...

Really glad you shared... Wow! I know it's all a reality but I think this made it even more so, for me anyway. Luv ya kid.