September 26, 2011

Q #4: What makes you happy/forget your worries for a little while?

Thank goodness there are things that make me happy and help me forget my worries - even if only briefly. Here's some of what I've found brings me joy and peace, in no particular order:
  • Watching a movie
  • Helping others
  • Reading a book and emails from friends
  • Getting involved in a craft project
  • Receiving acupuncture, massage
  • Being outdoors with Joshua
  • Going to IKEA
  • Being busy - getting involved in something that takes over most of my brain
  • Listening to biolateral music, walking meditation
  • Living one day at a time
Thinking about the future and "what-if" scenarios is what gets my worries and fears activated. So as long as I focus on the now, I'm okay. I'm doing a lot of work in this particular area right now...this young grasshopper has much to learn in the ways of being present and not letting my amygdala run rampant! (The amygdala plays a major role in the processing and memory of emotional reactions.)


    Vickie Aversman said...

    I love your attitude. Keep doing what you're doing. You are always in my prayers.

    Erin said...

    Laura -
    Glad to hear you have an official surgery date (not bc surgery is just that fun, but bc every step forward is one more thing to check off the list!). Excited to share my own surgery experience with you. Looking forward to Wednesday!

    Laura said...

    Erin: Definitely re: checking things off the list. SO glad we were able to talk at the Yes Group meeting. I'm hoping to be just like you were 2 weeks out - wow!